5 Simple Home Remedies for Yeast Infections
Yeast infections are
caused by Candida Albans which is a fungus that can be found in the body,
mostly in those areas where there is moisture and warmth. The mouth and the
vagina are the two most common locations where it can be found. Today, home
remedies for yeast infections is an increasingly sought after way to get rid of
this condition.
Although Candida can infect both men and women, it is women who get it most often, usually in or around the vagina. This type of infection happens when yeast enters the vaginal area, or the amount of yeast already naturally present over-grows out of control.
Sometimes, an injury such as a scratch or abrasion to the tissue in and around the vagina can lead to this fungal overgrowth.
But, more importantly, so can high blood sugar levels, pH and hormonal imbalances, friendly bacteria depletion, some drug therapy and a compromised immune system. These are the major root causes of yeast infection.
A few of the symptoms of Candida are swelling, inflammation, itching, unusual cottage cheese like discharge, burning sensation when urinating, uncomfortable or painful intercourse.
While there are many products you can purchase over the counter, or through prescription, more and more women today are choosing to go the natural route and try things that they find in their own kitchen or medicine cabinets.
The anti-fungal commercial treatments you get from your physician or over-the-counter may only bring a temporary answer to the problem because they do not deal with the root causes, just the symptoms caused by the fungus.
So there are a few things that can be done at home to help clear up the symptoms and address the root causes. The five listed below are natural and are very popular. Have a look and perhaps one or two may be what you have been searching for...
Tea Tree Oil
The first one is tea tree oil. This oil is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, found in New South Wales, Australia. Take the oil and add a couple of drops to a sterile cotton swab. Place it on the infected area and repeat every four hours. But if you are pregnant, discuss with your gynecologist before trying this home remedy.
Organic garlic is a remedy that fights these infections because it has anti-fungal properties that actually helps in killing off the Candida fungi. It also has natural anti-bacterial properties that soothes and helps to reduce redness, irritation and swelling.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is yet another home remedy that is very effective in preventing a yeast infection. It has the potential to stop the organisms, which trigger the infection, from developing any further. Half a cup in your bath water, and soaking for around 20 minutes, will help to restore the pH levels in and around your vagina and fight the Candida fungus.
Organic cranberries also have properties that restore the pH balance in your body. Drinking the unsweetened juice is very effective. Do not drink sweetened juice, though, as high blood sugar is very bad for yeast infection because sugars feed the fungus.
Coconut and Cinnamon Oils
Coconut and cinnamon oils are among the best home treatments for killing the fungus that causes this infection. Both of these oils have anti-fungal properties. Apply drops to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day to help eliminate the symptoms. You can get these from your pharmacy or health store. Just follow the instructions.
While this Candida can cause symptoms that may be very uncomfortable, trying just one of these home remedies for yeast infections can bring quick relief. And some are good for preventing future infections by keeping the fungus under control. So no one need suffer the itching, burning and irritation anymore with these types of natural remedies.
Click more read Secret How to get yeast infection home remedies